Solid Waste

Danny P. Smith, Solid Waste Director

NOTICE: Effective February 14, 2024, the City of Monroe has placed a charge for every mattress or box spring picked up from each residence on their utility bill.  Effective January 2, 2025 new rate for each mattress and box spring picked up is $19.50.

The city provides full curbside solid waste and recycling service to citizens within the city limits of Monroe.  The city also owns and operates a MSW Transfer Station located at 213 Cherry Hill Road, Monroe, GA 30655.  Hours of operations are Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Our goal is to continue to meet Federal and State guidelines; to comply with environmental regulations; preserve natural resources and to reduce waste and keep costs at a minimum. The City of Monroe encourages all of its citizens to be “waste conscious” and to make a sincere effort to reduce the amount of waste they generate, by recycling and reusing.

~Danny P. Smith, Solid Waste Director

Garbage Collection Procedures