

This division is responsible for the grounds and perimeter maintenance of city-owned cemeteries. Currently, all grounds maintenance is contracted out by the City of Monroe, with contractors cutting the grass on a bi-weekly basis and trimming bushes as needed in areas. It is also responsible for coordination with funeral directors and grave space location. Sales and record keeping of plots are coordinated by the clerks at City Hall. Please contact us at 770-267-7536 for more information.

In 2022, a rehabilitation of all pavement within each cemetery was performed for a cost of $115,795. Future phases include shrub, planting, and fence replacement to continue to provide for a longer lasting look to each of our cemeteries.

Keep in mind, all cemetery plot maintenance is the responsibility of the plot owner per Ordinance 26-13, and more specifically refers to flowers being in containers, holiday flowers removed after a period of 60 days, flowers being removed when worn or tattered, and decorative objects and items being kept within plot boundaries. 

Permits are also required prior to any work being performed in cemeteries. 


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Rest Haven
West Marable